Gotta Know Me Social




Hey there, it's your bestie, Mara – pronounced "May-Ruh," because why be ordinary when you can be a bit extra, right? *hair flip*

Now, I'd much rather dive into your amazing stories, but if you insist on knowing a bit about moi, here's the scoop!

I'm happily married and we’re navigating the wild, wonderful world of parenting with three adorable kiddos in the sunny little city of Clearwater, Florida.

My heart now beats to the rhythm of social media, and I've been honing my craft as the organic social media queen for the past twelve years – and trust me, it just keeps getting better. If you’re not monetizing your socials, we need to talk…

So yeah, basically, I am one happy gal. Every day I put on one of my many pairs of positive pants & attempt to save the world. (Toying with the idea of getting a cape, thoughts?)

Stay tuned for more adventures, laughs, and a dash of cheekiness. Life's too short not to have a bit of fun, right?



Hey there! I’m Alex Edwards, the Chief Operating Officer and the operational wizard behind Gotta Know Me Social.

Together with my amazing wife, Mara (she’s the brains and I’m the brawn… just kidding, we’re both brains and brawn!), we jumped headfirst into this adventure to light up the paths of artists and entrepreneurs.

Our mission? To turn their dreams into realities and make sure the world knows how awesome they are.

So, what’s my superpower? Well, I’ve got a knack for juggling – not balls or flaming torches, but the essentials of business: organization, operations, you name it. I’ve got strategic planning down to an art form, and when it comes to sales, hiring, and training – let’s just say, I’ve got the magic touch.

My journey’s been a wild ride of amazing experiences. Picture this: working with hilarious actors from SNL, helping stars shine on CW and Netflix shows, and jamming with musicians whose tunes rock out on Netflix and even Marvel TV shows! Yeah, it’s been as cool as it sounds.

I’m beyond excited to learn more about your goals and help you bring them to life! Let’s get your great works known!!